Historic Pinal Cemetery

I was out by Montana Mountain, west of the old mining town of Superior, Arizona, and north of  Boyce Thompson Arboretum, with my brother-in-law today, checking if the area was open so that we could ride our ATVs out there next month. Due the the number of wildfires in the area this year, we were not certain if the area was open or not. We flew our drones while out there. When we left, we inadvertently took the wrong road out. Several intersected where we had stopped.

We came upon the Historic Pinal Cemetery. There were few grave markers left, with most having been lost through the ravages of time. There are 43 known graves there, although as big as the cemetery is, I’m sure there are a lot more pioneers buried there.

One of the few marked graves still identifiable and appears to be maintained was that of Celia Ann Blaylock, also known as Mattie Earp, common-law wife of Wyatt Earp.

If we had not taken the wrong road, we never would have known the cemetery was there. It’s not shown on the map in the parking lot for the roads and trails in the area.

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