From the Desert to the Snow

Four Peaks Mountain

When planning a ride with the riding group of Old, Older, and Oldest (my friends Tony, Rich and myself), I jokingly suggested riding the ATVs to the top of Four Peaks Mountains as it had snowed there recently. I was surprised when they said they wanted to go!

From our starting point in the desert, we crossed a few streams from the runoff of the melting snow before we made it to the top of the summit. We had a great view of Roosevelt Lake before we turned turned around at the Lone Pine Trailhead just a short distance from the lookout.

One of the streams we crossed
Tony checking out something in the stream
My ATV in the foreground, Rich in the background
Getting closer to our destination
Roosevelt Lake from the lookout at the summit of the mountain
Another view of Roosevelt Lake
Our turn-around at the Lone Pine Trailhead

Water and Stuck ATVs

Before the weather here in the Arizona desert got really hot, friends Tony, Rich, and Bill (who refer to themselves as the riding group of Old, Older and Oldest), were out riding in the normally dry Lower Sycamore Creek northeast of the Phoenix, Arizona metro area. Since it had not rained for quite a while, they were surprised to see water in it – and a couple of ATVs stuck in the sand!

Old and Older helped them out, while Oldest sat back and watched.

The Mill, Crown King, Arizona

The ATV riding group of Old, Older, and Oldest (In order: Old, Oldest, and Older)

The ATV riding group of Old, Older and Oldest rode their ATVs to the old gold mining town of Crown King, Arizona, in the Bradshaw Mountains (elevation of 5,771 feet). They were joined by Oldest’s niece and her husband, who followed in their Jeep.

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